Today was our first beach day! Yesterday was consumed with car repairs. We're good to go for $132. Could have been way worse!
Here's our first beach day photos:
If you didn't get to tune in to the Lakeland Revival service last night to hear John play with His friend Dave and his brother Dan, you can go to the God TV archives and find the Lakeland service for Monday night!
We are still making appointments for photography sessions with Nick as a fund raiser for our adoption. Please CLICK HERE for details!
Our Son Aiden
Please Join in Us Praying that We Can Bring Aiden HOME soon.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27
For Tax Deductible Donations
Thank You For Giving
Support Us in our Work at IHOP or Give to our Adoption Fund
We currently raise our own support as Intercessory Missionaries, you may give through PAYPAL, or contact us to find out how your giving can be tax deductible.