I love that I am a mom. I don't know what happened that the role of "mom" has been so undervalued in our society. And I'm so sorry that even in the "church" the role of mom has been somehow diminished. Even here at IHOP I need to remind myself that before I am an "intercessory missionary", I AM A MOM. I am raising a generation that will walk in greatness and walk through some of the most difficult days of our history. I cannot be in the prayer room 24, 30, or 40 hours a week as some can. But every day, I walk along side of three of the most beautiful human beings on this planet. I walk with them as they learn about who God is, as they learn to love his Word, as they learn how to pray, as they learn how to make music for Him, and as their hearts become connected to Him, independant of my connection with Him. Am I an "intercessory missionary", YES, I am! Do I love the Prayer Room, YES, absolutely! But first, and foremost, I AM A MOM, and although I pray for Israel, although I pray for the end to abortion, although I pray for our country, and for many of you reading this... FIRST above all I pray for my children.
I have no greater joy than this.