Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Change of Subject

Let's not talk about being sick any more. We're resting today and catching up on school work.

ELIA JANE is growing like crazy and is in the "changing every day" stage!
Here's what's new!!!
1. She is cutting tooth #6 (she decided to cut like three at one time!)

2. She is saying Dat (which we of course interpret to mean Daddy)

3. She is also saying "Tttt" (which anyone with half a brain will know means TayTay)

4. She is clapping and raising her hands in the prayer room during worship, anytime she hears music, and also when we say "Yeah LiLi" anytime she does something great!

5. She pulled herself up by grabbing the attic of her doll house. She was very proud!

6. She is not crawling on all fours, but she rolls and scooches herself everywhere. Power cords are especially fascinating. (Don't worry Dad, she'll crawl).

7. She can do push ups onto her tippee-toes and hands (very strong abs!)

8. OHHHHH, and should be TOP OF THE LIST! I got my first "voluntary kiss" last night. Just to clarify, a voluntary kiss is one where the small girl leans in and touches her lips to yours and then proceeds to stick out the tip of her tongue! It was delightful and made me cry. (more on that later)