Friday, February 23, 2007

Fundraiser in the Making

Last night we sat with the Bohlender's brainstorming for our adoption fundraiser. At one point I think the plan was so boring that none of US even wanted to attend! But then something magical happened... call it good coffee finally kickin' in, or a second wind after our eyes had glazed over at least once, but I'm pretty sure it was THE JOHN LOUX that woke up and came up with the plan of the night!

Here's the deal, keep Wednesday evening, March 7th on hold on your calendars! You won't want to miss it!

Now we kick int to high gear this weekend, and whip up some invitations and hand deliver them all! Help anyone?

The theme of the event: well, we're just going to keep you guessing for today at least! But let me tell you, when John Loux wakes up at a planning meeting, things get FUN! Then throw in a couple of inspired Bohlenders and well...