Saturday, April 07, 2007


A friend told me the other day that she remembered an old song from the 80's that was about a young woman name Elia, though she said she thought it was spelled Elya in the song. All she could remember that was one line said "Elya will teach them to pray".
After a tiny bit of digging I found it!

She told me when I found it not to be surprised if the lyrics were prophetic over our Elia's life! (By the way, Elia and Elya are both pronounced El-ee-a, hope that helps some of you who haven't heard us pronounce her name yet!)

The song Elya is from Silverwinds album "A Song in the Night"
The lyrics are as follows:

By Georgian Banov and Besty Hernandez

She has a smile on her face
She has a name like a flower
Her laughter is music and grace
That comes from mysterious power

Elya will tell about Jesus
To children behind iron walls
Where truth is forbidden and sentenced to prison
Her country believes what is false

Elya will teach them to sing
Elya will teach them to pray
And the love that she’s giving to children will never die

Elya you must not give in
Elya you know you will win
You’ve planted your seeds underground
And they’ll reach to the sky

Her Bible is stained with her tears
Under the bed where she hides it
She comforts her mother from fears
And they pray every night no one finds it

Elya spend years in a prison
For teaching the children the way
They tried to break her
But nothing could shake her
They can’t take the Spirit away

Elya- A True Story
This song was inspired by the faith and courage of Elya Kasper, a young school teacher. In 1977 she was condemned by her government to four years in prison for teaching her students the Gospel of Jesus Christ.