Friday, April 27, 2007

Spirit of Adoption

It is almost impossible when holding Elia not to have the reality of "the Spirit of Adoption" stir in my spirit. At times it is just plain overwhelming, and I find myself in tears. I look at my daughter and feel intense love for her, knowing full well she did not come from my womb, but from a deep place in my spirit. My heart is full of love for this "chosen one". She is my joy and my delight (Luke 1:14). She could not possibly be more loved on this earth than she is here in our family. We reached out and said to this little one we did not even know, "we will have you, we will love you, you will be ours forever. Yes, there is so much we do not know about you, but we choose to call you our own."

The judge questioned us at our initial custody hearing. At one point he asked what we knew about Elia's family history, medical history etc. He said, "You do not have full information on her background, are you still willing to take this child into your home." To that we said, "Yes, we are". In saying that we said to this little one, we accept you as you are, no holding back. We choose to love you forever.

A friend told us that in Hebrew culture. A child who is adopted can never be disowned. A man can disinherit his biological children, but he can never disinherit a child he has sworn to love and care for through adoption. It is a binding contract for life.

Ephesians 1:5 says, "His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave Him great pleasure." (NLT) When I think of the Elia, and my frail human love for her, I marvel at the love of the Father. Who has adopted each of us who call on His name into His family. He does it not out of some sense of obligation to His creation, but because it gives Him great pleasure. It pleases the Father to call us His sons and daughters.

Friday night we sang this song, and I was wrecked once again as I thought of the Father's amazing love, and the intensity of the Spirit of Adoption that calls us all into the Father's embrace.

"Lord it was you You created the heavens
Lord it was your hands that put the stars in their place
Lord it was your voice that commands the morning
Even oceans and their waves bow at your feet
Lord who am I compared to your glory
Lord who am I compared to your majesty
I am your beloved, Your creation
And you love me as I am
You call me chosen for your kingdom
Unashamed to call me your own
I am your beloved"

I was holding Elia as I sang this song and I began singing it over her. The impact was huge in my heart, taking me one tiny step deeper into the Love of the Father. We are His Chosen, and He unashamedly calls us His own.