Friday, October 05, 2007

Adoption Crisis in Guatemala

Kimmie, a blog friend of mine, who is in the process of adopting from Guatemala alerted me to the following:
"As I write this tears are streaming down my face, our adoption agency, All God's Children International, has announced they will not be issuing any referrals out of Guatemala, as of next week. Guatemalan President Oscar Berger plans to suspend all inter-country adoptions with American families.
My heart breaks for the 5,000 known children who are in need of families to adopt them, the government does NOT have the means to provide for these kids.
I have no idea what this means for my family, we have filled out paperwork twice now, paid twice and have waited twice-I know that God does have a plan, what it is right now I haven't a clue. Please pray for us, as a mom that has had 14 years of infertility and has had 10 years of waiting for a baby again...please hold me up in prayer. My heart is broken."

Click HERE for the link to this petition.