Thursday, October 25, 2007

Our Story: Part One (Please someone think of something clever for me to call these posts!)

Some of you have been wanting "the rest of the story". Who are we, why are we here?
So in my attempt to fill you in here it goes!

John and I met in '89 and married in '90. It was a speedy quick romance; and a "we were made for each other, let's get married" love story. Boy meets girl with big earrings, finds out who she is, and is tricked into calling her and asking her out by some pesky friend of the younger brother. Girls says yes. Boy and girl date several times, decide that they want to date forever, and set a date. We love Jesus, but have no idea how much he loves us.

Fast forward 2 years, we have our double blessing Nicholas, after loosing our first child to miscarriage. We are so young, and so in love with our little boy. We hit our first few bumps in marriage, and do our best to work through them, still loving each other. We still love Jesus and still have no clue how much He loves us!

Fast forward 3 1/2 years, we now live is Columbus Georgia. I am teaching art at a middle school and John is selling guitars at a music store. Surprise!!! Baby #2 on the way! Pregnancy test taken "at church" of all places and delivered to daddy on a slice of pizza that he did not eat! Our very own Baby Taylor arrives!

Fast forward 7 months, and we loose our nephew Josiah (Derek and Renee's son) to complications due to Spina Bifida. Heart break for the whole family. Walking my then 4 year old son through the loss of his dearest friend and best buddy was one of the hardest challenges I have faced as a mother. Shortly after, we move back to PA, mostly broken, needing healing in many areas of our lives, and longing for something more!

Fast forward to January 1998. I am expecting Isabelle, any day now! John heads to Toronto to a "Pastors and Leaders Conference." His heart is impacted like never before, and he receives a revelation of the Father's Love. He returns home a changed man! We welcome Isabelle into the world on January 24th, just a few days after he returns home.

Thus begins our adventure of learning that the Father LOVES us, He really loves us! And I am still an eager student of HIS LOVE!