Friday, February 08, 2008

Baby Stages

Elia began sleeping through the night when she was 2 months old. I know, I'm blessed, please don't be jealous! Then she hit 9 months and decided she didn't like going to sleep when the world was still HAVING FUN!!! She turned into a party girl, if there was family awake, she wanted to be AWAKE! Even when we went to sleep she wasn't ready to give up! She cried herself to sleep night after night for almost 2 months. Nap times were no better, if not WORSE because the world was definitely having more fun than she was!

Miraculously, she has passed this stage and now is going back down to sleep like a good little girl without tears and loud screaming!

A new stage is upon us. In the past few days, she has learned to emit a loud VERY HIGH pitched squeal to communicate almost all of her needs! It makes my ear drums vibrate. Her biggest brother gave her a lecture about it today and said, "I'm not kidding Elia, you need to stop it." She did not listen. I am anxiously awaiting the day that this stage ends!