As promised here comes the second tear jerker on my kids and their relationship with Elia. Tissues in hand, ready begin!
Taylor is 11. He is tender, caring, and quiet. He is a deep thinker, and sees life as very black and white. He was the first to dare to mention Elia's skin color from the first posting of pictures on the blog after her birth. He said to me on the phone, "Mom, she's really white!" (for clarification, we had been told Elia was bi-racial prior to her birth)
When we got Elia home, Taylor commented, "Mom, I just love to look at her. She doesn't even have to do anything, I just love looking at her!"
Taylor is one of the first to tune in if Elia needs something. He perks up at the tiniest cry, and moves in to the rescue! He does not like it when she is upset. When she was struggling with reflux and had some really bad spells that took her breath away, he was not a happy boy!
Taylor loves gazing times with Elia, we all do! But because Taylor's personality is generally quite and pensive, he seems to relish these eye to eye moments in a special way. Although Taylor is not into messy diapers and spit up, he is keenly aware of Elia's heart and it blesses me to look ahead to the day when she will realize what an amazing big brother she has. I picture someday in the midst of a busy day, Taylor stopping to stoop down to his little sister and notice that her heart is in need of compassion. I see him as one who will be able to quietly love her when she wonders about her birth and the reasons that she was placed in our family. I see him with eyes of compassion, listening to her questions, and then with few but important words telling her, "Elia, I love you!" I know without a doubt that Taylor will always gaze into Elia's spirit and nurture her with kindness. That's who he is and I love him for that!
Elia loves you so much Taylor. I can see it her eyes, just as I see your love for her in your own beautiful blue eyes!