Thursday, November 01, 2007

I'm Not a Very Good Sick Person!

I think I've used that title before.

Anyway, I don't do "sick" very well. The very idea of doing nothing and just resting is somehow against my nature.... hmmmmmmm!!! Anyway, yesterday I was down all day, flu-ish type symptoms, minus the fever... Today the aches and exploding headache are gone, and I'm left with feeling like someone pulled the plug (very tired), and strangely dizzy.

I dislike Walmart as it is, but try weaving your way through Walmart for a few essentials with baby, feeling slightly drunk. I'm serious! I hope no one noticed my swerving cart.

Praying a rest on the couch for a few hours will clear my brain so that I can teach the three art classes I'm scheduled to teach this afternoon.