Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dear Precious Friends,

What was to be an exciting day, has ended up to be very disappointing. We waited for over 2 hours to see the judge, only to find that he refused to hear our case today because of some paperwork that he felt he needed to have. Our lawyer was very upset for us and very upset with the judges decision.

Anyway, we are sad and disappointed with the delay, but we have an amazing lawyer who assured us that he will have answers for us tomorrow on this situation.

Please pray again for us.

I'm closing by pasting an excerpt an email my sister in law Renee just sent me today to encourage us. (They are in Korea with Lou Engle ministering. In Korea 44% of their population is killed by abortion. They had a powerful service last night where Lou spoke on the Spirit of Adoption.) She told me some atrocious details about what is happening to babies in Korea.

She wrote, "..My intention in sending you this email is to remind you of the battle you have taken on in the spiritual realm. It’s real and it’s weighty. It’s not for the faint of heart. You are all warriors! When I look at Lili’s face, her beautiful face, I see Jesus. I see His redemption, His love and His hope. I see a child who could have been one of the statistics and is not. When Lili smiles, she is a constant reminder of the fact that Jesus’ foot is on the neck of the enemy and that His day of judgment will come.

I love you all and I know that God’s plans for you all are great (Jeremiah 29:11). He loves you and is fighting on your behalf. Thisday that you were supposed to have in court was just a bump in the road and God will be victorious in this whole situation and will bring glory to His name! Thanks for warring on behalf of the innocent. Trac, what you’re doing by taking on the job with the adoption agency is a key factor in all that’s happening right now. You are making a statement in the spiritual and natural realm and you are doing your part to combat the horrors that take place in back alleys and in clinics everyday. Remain strong and be encouraged in the Lord!"