Friday, February 15, 2008

Love Songs

Our 9PM bedtime was came to an abrupt hault shortly after we put Elia down to bed. We put her down in the pack in play in our room just so she'd be close if she needed us in the night. Little did we know that time would come about 10 minutes after putting her down.

The poor dear screamed in pain for what seemed like hours, but was probably only about 30 minutes. Her tiny throat sounded so sore, but I couldn't convince her that crying was only making it hurt more. Babies are funny that way.

Finally, I whipped out the old stand by and began singing. I don't know how many of you are blessed to have a lullaby passed down from generations past, but I have one. I remember my Nana and my dad (her son) singing it to me. I sang it to Nick, Taylor and Isabelle, and then it disappeared for a number of years, only to be pulled out again about 11 months ago.

So last night, I pinned one screaming Elia to my chest and began to sing:
"In the temple, in the temple stood a little boy one day
And the doctors wondered greatly at the things they heard him say
It was Jesus, it was Jesus
He was but a little child
And the light of heaven was shining
On his face so pure and mild"

Then I go into this little one:
"Close your little eyes and go to sleep
Close your little eyes and go to sleep
You are mommas precious baby girl
So close your little eyes and go to sleep"

Repeated many times over! But last night I think by the third phrase she sunk into me and gave up the crying. John came out, looked at her and smiled. I don't know why that little song works, it just does. I think it simply represents generations of love. I think secretly the older three are glad the songs have been pulled out again for Elia Jane. Often times when I'm singing to her they end up curled up on the end of the bed looking kind of dreamy eyed.

I loved my Nana. She passed away when I was in 5th grade. She was soft and she smelled good.
I love my Dad. He's an amazing father and grandfather. He's soft and he smells good too.