Thursday, February 21, 2008

When Mom Gets Sick

My kids are voluntarily cleaning out their closets. I'm going to stay here in bed as long as possible, and be really quiet before they realize that they are doing chores they haven't been asked to do. For some reason, they think it's fun. Shhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Don't tell them they're working.

I can think of a few other things that need to be done.
1. The garage needs to be cleaned.
2. Shoot the whole house looks like mom just quit. (oh that's right I did!)
3. Their are about 8 loads of laundry to be done (and 4 or 5 waiting to be folded)
4. My tax documents needed to be gathered
5. The checkbook needs to be balanced.

Do you think I can trick them into thinking any of that is actually fun too!