Monday, September 24, 2007

It's Monday and I'm Here!

Conference is over! It was a great weekend! I'm always amazed at the awesome people that come here to Kansas City... It never fails that I meet truly incredible people!

Deep sigh... my breakout session was more fun that I can tell you! I can't believe I get to do this some days! The breakout was entitled "Stewarding the Spirit of Prayer, Power and Prophecy in Children." The focus of my portion of the breakout was on working with 6-8 year olds in developing a life in the Word in order to cultivate a language for Prayer. We went over practicals like teaching children to paraphrase scripture, using synonyms to develop language that they can comprehend, using Bible study tools, and comparing translations. I taught primarily on praying the Apostolic Prayers and touched on using Art as a form of Prayer.

Praying Ephesians 3:16-19 over you all today,
I pray that out of God's great treasure chest, He would make you strong down deep inside. I pray that Jesus would be completely at home in your hearts. I pray that you would be rooted and built up in love so that you would be able to completely understand how big the love of Christ is and that you would know this amazing love that outshines everything else. (paraphrase)