Friday, January 18, 2008

How to Pray for the Maas Family

Here's an excerpt from a recent email update on this beautiful family:


1. All paper work needs to be in place TODAY (India time) for David's body to be flown home, or there will be a 2-3 days delay as the offices does not work during the weekend. Pray for expedience and favor for Joy.

2. Joy and the 4 children will leave Chennai on January 19, and have a very long journey across the world. They are unwell physically, and all battling intenstinal disturbances - pray for grace and physical healing for them as they journey.

3. Memorial service will be at FSM auditorium on the 21st or 22nd, depending on arrival times. Pray for wisdom and insight for the team of friends from IHOP making all the funeral and memorial service preparations.