Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Family Is Growing!!!!!!

Derek and Renee (John's brother and his wife) have begun the process of adopting two boys from Eastern Europe! Derek and Renee have 6 children, their first born Josiah was born with Spina Bifida and died at age 2 1/2 in 1996, they have two biological daughters Sophia and Michaela (ages 10 and 7), and they have adopted three beautiful girls from the Marshall Islands, the twins Teyolla, Keyolla (both 16), and Telma (almost 17).

Misha and Sam will be welcomed into this family with more love than words can say! Misha is 4 years old and has Downs Syndrome. He is such a cutie. We got to see a video of him the other day laughing as some one was blowing bubbles for him! Sam is 5 years old and has hydrocephalus and needs orthopedic surgery. Both of these boys have stolen our hearts as we look forward to welcoming them into our family!



Here is how you can get involved:
1. Pray! These boys need to be adopted soon so that they can be kept out of the state run institutions. Their lives are at stake here. If they end up in a state run institution, they are basically fed and left to die.

2. Give! Derek and Renee need to raise a great deal of money to bring these boys home. And we as believers are commanded to care for the widow and orphan as the only act of true religion (James 1:27). I don't even ask that you give if you can, it's not an option. We give because it is a direct command from the word of God.

(If you do not need record of your giving for tax deductions, you can give on my paypal account and I will forward the money to them immediately. If you would appreciate giving a tax deductible gift, please contact me at tracieloux@gmail.com and I will give you more information!)

I will give you updates along the way! I promise.