Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm not good at being sick....

I never have been. It's hard for me to stop moving and just rest, but that's what I'm supposed to do today. So to compromised, I have stayed home today at least.

I got up at 7AM and cleaned my living area (you know the kind of cleaning you do when you know people are only going to see the main area of your house), then at 11AM we had a home visit with our caseworker as part of our adoption process. That went really well by the way!

I needed to have a meeting on an upcoming newsletter that I'm working on for the Children's Equipping Center, but I did at least manage to have that meeting on my couch instead of at IHOP.

I ran Nick to the JPR (Justice Prayer Room) to play drums at the 4PM set and now I'm home to finally rest. The pillows are waiting for me on the couch, now I just have to talk my head into resting! Let's hope Elia thinks this is a good time for a nap too!