Monday, January 01, 2007

Someone Rearranged the Furniture

I went to my "Living Room" and someone rearranged the furniture. I refer here to the IHOP Prayer Room as "My Livingroom"... I knew there would be change, but I'm a little out of sorts over it. You know it's kind of like if you went to camp and your mom redecorated your bedroom to surprise you but didn't ask you if you even wanted it redecorated.
Funny how we deal with change. My first reaction was "wow, this is cool", and then I had to settle in and realize how very comfortable I was "the way it was". Now I'm sure I'll adapt, but I think I really miss my "living room". I could go on about what I like and what I don't like, but that's not really the point. The point is, change is... well, it's tricky on the heart sometimes.