Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Post Worth Reading

I've been reading Iwona Majors blog for a month or so now. I don't know her well, but she is here at IHOP and part of our community. I see her children more than I see her, but that's the case with most of the families here at IHOP!

We had a group of Polish pastors and leaders here at IHOP last fall and spent a great deal of time praying for Poland in the prayer room while they were here. Iwona sang on one of the worship teams and translated choruses into Polish for some of the sets. I remember being stunned by the beauty of her voice and the power of the Word being translated into the native tongue of these pastors.

I encourage you to check out her blog. For those of you homeschooling, she has a second blog that focuses on her children and homeschooling.

I specifically posted about her blog today because of THIS RECENT POST.