Friday, May 30, 2008

What Are You Reading?

I read. Yep, I was a book worm from the time I could read. I watched my son Taylor walking through the house with an open book yesterday and trip over something, and I chuckled thinking..."That was me at his age." Taylor is working through the Narnia books this summer. I think he's on book three and schools been out a week. I told the kids the other day that I would approach my high school English teacher at the end of the school year and ask for a "summer reading list." Nick just rolled his eyes.

I love to read. It's a wonderful and sometimes dangerous past time. I've had to learn the fine line of balance in this love of mine. I've had seasons in life where I have read to escape and times where over indulged at the expense of setting aside my #1 read- the word of God. I now read much more selectively and with purpose and intent.

Here's what I'm currently reading:

"The Shack" by William P. Young- I think I'll have a lot to say when I'm all done reading. Right now I'm reading this one aloud to John at bedtime. There have been a few occasions where reading aloud is a bit challenging through the lump in my throat and the grip on my heart.

"Dead Heat" by Joel C. Rosenberg- in mid stream still and very very hard to put down.

Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs because a good marriage book is always in order, even after almost 18 years, we still have a lot to learn. We had a great talk last night on our "date night" about what RESPECT really means.

What are you reading?