Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Rolly-Polly LiLi

Elia fell asleep on the living room floor last night. She's never done that. She normally has to be nicely tucked in bed to fall asleep.

I've learned a few things about Elia's sleeping habits from the many occasions she has spent time sleeping in bed with us in the wee hours of the morning. This is what I know. She is a flopsy baby. She rolls A LOT, she kicks, she slaps- she's just a busy busy sleeper.

Last night I got to witness it first hand. She literally rolled clear across the living room floor at one point. Another time, she stood up (in her sleep), took two steps, laid back down and rolled into a comfy position.

Observing all of this confirmed just why it is so difficult to sleep with her. Last night was one of those nights. She went to bed with a fever, Tylenol had not kicked in, and ended up waking at 2 o'clockish with a fever and yucky cough. She needed me of course, and I never ever make a sick baby "cry it out."

Sick Elia is no less rolly-polly, flopsy-mopsy than well Elia- thus the unexplained gash on my forehead this morning.