Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spring Cleaning

It happens. The house somehow accumulates so much dirt and clutter over the winter! I really don't get it. It's not like we hibernate or live like slobs all winter, but it sure did look like it about a week ago when I took a good look around!

Last week we tackled the "music room" which started out as our home school room 2 years ago and then turned into music room, but still had remnants of home school and unpacked clutter from when we moved in to this house. Yuck. (nearly certain that was a run on sentence- good one!)

The music room now looks like a music room and is free of all clutter and non-musical influence! It's actually a space that everyone enjoys being in now! Feels good.

This week, the job to tackle has been bedrooms- primarily the dreaded season change clothing issue. We had all started digging through the "summer bins", but hadn't actually cleaned out drawers and closets to make room for summer clothes. So, needless to say we had a clothing pile up going on about everywhere in the house. You know the kind where even if you manage to do the laundry and fold the laundry, you have no where to put it. Ahhhhhhgg...

Anyway, today all four children have had their closest and drawers cleaned out. Clothes were categorized and packed away- winter wear for next year, winter wear for consignment next fall, winter wear that I wouldn't even give away, summer clothes for consignment, summer clothes in the drawers... ahhhh, that feels good!

I also spend a good 30 minutes spring cleaning the vacuum cleaner today (why do I still have to spell check vacuum?)... I finally managed to locate and dislodge the large plug of whatnot that was basically causing my vacuum to puke all over my carpet. Taylor thought perhaps a new vacuum was in order, but I won! At least this time around!

I'm worn out. The kids are all worn out. I had them heaving and hoeing all day!

Tomorrow we welcome the A/C service man and the dishwasher repair guy into our home to try to make life a bit easier and a bit cooler!