Sunday, November 12, 2006


Tonight I had the JOY of attending a baptism service at our FSM (our church). I originally attended to see my two neices, Telma and Sophie, get baptized and to take photos of the FSM/FMA students that were getting baptized. There were 150 to be baptized this evening. I have never attended a more amazing baptism in my life. There was just such a sense of worship and rejoicing that was so awesome!
About two hours into the baptism, Taylor, my son came up to me and said, "If Daddy were here I'd get baptized" (Allen Hood, had made a call earlier for others who weren't scheduled that wanted to be baptized and my neice Michaela had just gotten baptized) Anyway, Nick got on the phone and called John who was just getting done with his Prayer Room set.

So, tonight was amazing. My two beautiful ones, Taylor and Isabelle got baptized! God is so good! Now when I can figure out how to post pictures on this thing, we'll be doing good! HELP Bohlender Crew!!!!!!!!!