Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wonder Woman

Some things will just have to wait. After all, I really am just one person. Since I couldn't figure out how to schedule two physicals, one eye appoinment, two overnights stays in the hospital with my niece, two trips to the mortage company regarding our house loan, one birthday party, creating a schedule for the FMA booth at Onething, writing a Christmas newsletter, updating my website, getting my laundry done, feeding my children, teaching them something this week........ AND filing out the remainder of my homestudy paper work, getting fingerprinted for FBI clearances, running to Jefferson CIty for the state clearances, and well, just being a nice person. I decided to forego the trip to Jefferson City until a later date, call a snow day for tomorrow even though we are homeschooled, and take a little more time with that pile of paperwork. The stuff on the first half of the list is not negotiable, so I'll pull my Wonderwoman cape out of the closet and tomorrow will be another day!

Meanwhile, I'm needing to lean on my Beloved and not forget that He cares about my heart and is interceding on my behalf.
And I'm so glad he doesn't expect me to be Wonderwoman.

Today, on the way to visit her daughter in the hospital in the midst of an ice storm, my sister-in-law Renee had a car accident with three of her five daughters in the van with her. They are alright, although Renee is hurting quite badly from hitting the steering wheel and from the seat belt impact. When the van came to a stop, Michaela, my 6 year old neice said "Are we dead yet?" - Even in the midst of extreme pain and the trauma of the accident Renee couldn't help but laugh!

So, I was wondering, how many times when the stuff of live "impacts" us in painful ways, do we think "God am I dead yet?" And how many times does he chuckle even in the midst of it knowing that he is using even our struggles to allow us to become more like him.